The Black Foxes Present: Industry Talks - the making of a gravel race

With the support of Hammerhead, Liv Cycling, and Giant Bikes, I (Alexa) had the opportunity to chat with a few industry leaders from Lincoln, Nebraska, about making a more inclusive and equitable gravel cycling event with Grounded Nebraska. For this episode of Industry Talks, I captured that very discussion while riding bikes on the rolling gravel roads outside of “Roca”-on Stolen land of the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, Pâri (Pawnee), and Jiwere-before the inaugural event took place.

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Untrend: The Black Foxes | Giant Bicycles

Most stick with the comfort of the status quo, but there are a handful who genuinely make their own path. Marty Merritt and William Loyd of The Black Foxes fall into the latter group. As Black men in North America, cycling wasn’t an obvious or easy choice. In following their hearts, they had to overcome obstacles that many of us are far removed from. In doing so, Marty and William have achieved things we can all aspire to: to be honest with ourselves and to see that our greatness doesn’t manifest by following others. You gotta do your OWN thing. . .

Following this path has led them (and their bikes!) to places and experiences they’d never imagined possible. They both live just outside of Girona, Spain.


Positive Masculinity Talk

We're talking Positive Masculinity!

The Black Foxes sat down to have a live conversation on breaking the cycles of toxic masculinity, what the opposite end of that spectrum can look like, and what we can all do to get that end.
After watching this talk and you’d like to see more of discussions like this please drop us a message!

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